Thalatag Capsules

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    Thalassemia Supplement
    Thalassemia Care
    10 Capsules in Jar with mono carton
    Thalatag Capsules increase RBC count and improves hemoglobin levels. It contains the iron which is essential for the production of Red Blood Cells. It helps to provide relief in the pain associated with Thalassemia. It has antioxidant properties and improves liver health.
    Ayurvedic Formulation with goodness of Haritaki Extract Fr. 50 mg, Mandoor Bhasma 50 mg, Amalki Extract Fr. 50 mg, Sallaki Resin 50 mg, Bhuiamla Extract Wh. Pt. 50 mg, Bhringraj Extract Wh. Pt. 50 mg, Praval Pishti 50 mg, Shankh Bhasma 50 mg, Tulsi Extract Wh. Pt. 50 mg, Guduchi Extract St. 40 mg, Kutaj Extract Bk. 40 mg, Sahjan Extract Lf. 40 mg.


    Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in Red Blood Cells that carries oxygen. The disorder results in excessive destruction of Red Blood Cells, which leads to Anemia. Anemia is a condition in which your body doesn’t have enough normal, healthy Red Blood Cells.

    The symptoms of Thalassemia can vary. Some of the most common symptoms include bone deformities, dark urine, delayed growth and development, excessive tiredness and fatigue, yellow or pale skin, etc.

    Thalatag Capsules increases RBC count and improves hemoglobin levels. It contains the iron which is essential for the production of Red Blood Cells. It helps to provide relief in the pain associated with Thalassemia. It has antioxidant properties and improves liver health.

    This herbal medication can effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria and in turn build up immune resistance. It further increases White Blood Cells. Cooling in nature, it also has haemopoietic properties. It also helps to improves the spleen functioning. It provides energy to the body cells and gives relief from headache and other symptoms that are present in people suffering from Thalassemia. It also helps to remove toxins from blood and supports digestion.

    • Ayurvedic product that is cooling in nature; It contains natural ingredients like Haritaki, Amalki, Sallaki & Bhringraj.
    • Suitable for both men & women
    • Safe for long term use
    • Made with 100% Ayurvedic Ingredients

    Haritaki Extract

    Mandoor Bhasma

    Amalki Extract


    2 Capsules twice daily before meals, preferably with warm water or as directed by Physician.

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