Prodac Capsules

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    Prostate Care
    Prostate Disorders
    10 Capsules in Jar with mono carton
    Ayurvedic Formulation with goodness of Varun Extract Bk. 100 mg, Gokharu Extract Fr. 100 mg, Swarna Makshik Bhasma 80 mg, Khas Extract Rt. 50 mg, Gorakhmundi Extract Fl. 50 mg, Punarnava Extract Rt. 50 mg, Lajjalu Extract Wh. Pt. 50 mg, Chandraprabha Vati 50 mg, Shuddha Shilajit 25 mg, Kanchnar Guggul 25 mg, Amalki Extract Fr. 25 mg.


    There is a small gland surrounding the neck of urinary bladder in males, which is called Prostate Gland. In Latin, the meaning of Prostate is to protect or to guard. Basically the function of the gland is to protect the genetic material i.e. sperms by providing alkaline media through its secretions. These prostatic secretions are slightly alkaline and ensure longer survival of the sperms in the tough vaginal acidic atmosphere.


    The normal size of the Prostate Gland is about the size of a big walnut. The ideal weight is about 11 grams but in most men, as they grow older, the size starts to increase. This is called Hypertrophy of the transitional zonal cells of the Prostate – Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy. If the cellular growth is in the peripheral zone, the growth is most likely to cause Prostate Cancer.


    With an extensive study of Ayurveda, we have created a potent combination of herbs in Prodac Capsules that shrink enlarged prostate while controlling the growth of cancerous prostate cells. It also helps to reduce the prostate size without causing any side effects. It improves urine flow and clears the obstruction in the path of urine.


    Prodac Capsules effectively treats lower urinary tract symptoms. It relieves burning micturition and dysuria, and helps purify the blood thus removing accumulated toxins and also relieves infections and inflammations. It helps in maintaining the normal size of the Prostate Gland by supporting balanced cell production. It helps to remove congestion from the pelvis & also reduces androgen levels.

    Ideal for older men who are susceptible to prostate diseases including cancer, Prodac Capsules can successfully reduce Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

    • Prodac Capsules are naturally-sourced & contains no harmful additives.
    • Improves bladder tone
    • Helps to manage normal prostate size and volume
    • Suitable for men
    • Safe for long term use

    Gokharu Extract

    Gorakhmundi Extract

    Punarnava Extract

    Shuddha Shilajit

    1 Capsule twice daily before meals for minimum 3 months, preferably with warm water or as directed by Physician.

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